9 March 2016
The Duke of Marlborough
35 The Strand, Russell 0202
Cash bar 5.00pm (for 7pm dinner, followed by live/silent Auctions & live music by Jesse Wilde)
Ticket prices $50/person includes dinner
Come along to help raise funds for Melanoma New Zealand and hear about the Yamaha Ski-nZ 2016 adventure.
Tickets are available by contacting admin@melanoma.org.nz or 09-449-2342 or 0800-4-melanoma.
If attending auction only please arrive after 8pm & make a donation at the door.
To download an Auction night flyer please click here. We would be grateful if you can help us promote this evening.
For more details on the Yamaha Ski-nZ event see http://www.melanoma.org.nz/news-events/upcoming-events/yamaha/